Saturday, January 15, 2011


I waned a dog. Eric said no. We had a dog but I'm a runner and I really wanted a dog that I could run with. Beau was retired from pretty much everything except sunning himself and eating. Then Amy Johnson's beautiful lab had pups with an unknown daddy. All they knew was that he was huge. Eric's last words were, "it's up to you". His interpretation of that was, you should know by now that I don't want another dog. My interpretation was, definitely go and get a puppy. Funny how that works!

Bella was one of those "Marley and Me" kind of dogs. She was the sweetest, most mellow little puppy...for about two weeks. Then began the process of chewing, everything she could find. This landed Bella outside with Beau pretty quickly. She transitioned well into her new accommodations, finding plenty to chew outside, including the deck and the Intex pool which we owned for less than 24 hours. It's a good thing the girls were at Grandma's that day. I heard from Eric on several occasions, "that's your dog." And so, despite her chewing and horrible behavior, we started to bond. I tried to train her. If I every open a business, "Blue Fire Dog Training", don't hire me. I am not good. I basically gave up on the training.

Despite all of Bella's manners, she did have one great quality which made me believe, she was perhaps very smart. Bella was a great running partner. We began a few short runs when she was young and I learned she would stay at my side (mostly), and keep a very consistent pace. A few months ago, when she hit that magic 18 month number, I started running with her more. It was perfect timing because I really needed to be able to run at 430am. Bella didn't mind the hour and she helped me feel comfortable running in the deserted streets. Hill repeats and speedwork didn't always amuse her, but she stuck with me.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed Bella wasn't eating as much. I thought maybe she was running more and didn't quite feel like eating so much. Maybe she finally stopped growing and didn't need so much. I changed up her food a bit and she seemed more interested. So, we went out for a nice three mile run. She ran just like any other day, wagging her tail, totally happy to be out there. I didn't run as much over the past ten day because Eric was out of town. Then I noticed she had a limp which turned into a very bad limp the next day. By the evening of the next day, Bella could hardly move. I took her to the vet and we were pretty unsure of what was going on. Fortunately, I have great vets at Pilchuck. Dr McGregor was the best. She ran lab work which showed Bella's kidneys were in failure. She would require a hospital stay and weeks of medicine. Unfortunately, I didn't choose to get the medical insurance for Bella and the cost was more than I could put on my family. So, we said our goodbyes and I left her in the hands of wonderful people. They told me that her ashes would be scattered in an orchard in Eastern Washington. I kind of think she would like that. If she were still alive and lived there, she would have chewed all of those trees down!

I told the girls the next morning. They were ok with it. Payton is taking it pretty hard. Despite that fact that Bella ran over them every time they were near, Payton really loved Bella. If Payton would pet Bella, she would immediately calm down and sit there for as long as Payton could pet her.

Thank you to my husband for understand how sad I feel right now. Thanks Darlene and Mom for talking to me late at night as I drove back and for the to the vet. Thank you Darlene and Bri for the flowers. Thank you Dr McGregor and the ladies at Pilchuck vet than night. You totally helped me feel better and comfortable with my decision.

Bella helped me a ways I can't explain. I am so grateful for her loyalty, love and 430am runs!

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