We had a great time in Elma yesterday. Elma is super small but a beautiful place. I heard the lake was cold but was just fine when I got in. Of course a wetsuit is very helpful and I was amazed by the people out there without them. What I found funny was that this was probably the worst race I have been in as far as getting pummeled while swimming. Fortunately, I've done enough that I didn't care and just kept swimming. The great part was the length of the swim which was only 250 yards. It was over before I knew it. Cycling through the farmland on pretty much totally flat roads was great. The roads were chip-sealed so I'm not sure if my bike will ever be the same. Running felt great and I was able to gain at least one spot to finish forth place. Thanks Elma for a fun day and Eric for driving me around all day. I'm officially ready for this season!

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