Thursday, February 18, 2010

A kid at heart

I am loving this sunshine we have been blessed with this year. It makes getting through the Washington winter slightly more tolerable! Everyone seems to just smile a little more and my kids an actually play outside. Yesterday, we skipped nap time for some much needed park time. It's funny, I was thinking of what a cool workout I could create at the park. I don't think the homeowners would appreciate it though. This morning, one of my athletes said he finds it funny that thirty years later he finds himself paying money for playground activities! Ah, it's good to be a kid at heart. I love to watch my girls play in the gym. They actually give me ideas for some great exercises.

My kid heart lightened a bit this week as I turned in my police gear. I know I've been mostly done with that job for a few months now. But getting the uniforms back made it seem really final. I have no hesitation this time. I know I have totally done the right thing. It's not easy but spending time with my girls in the best thing in the world. Nothing can take it's place. I think day by day, they are teaching me to enjoy little things and be a kid again myself.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rest Day..sort of.

Today is a rest day. I had great plans of sleeping in. Everything, including my dogs cooperated with this plan. My body clock and mental to do list however, did not. So, 5:30 it was. I did manage to cook breakfast for my hubby and get a few things done before the kiddos woke up at 7:30. The girls and I cleaned the play room and my office this morning. After a few melt downs from each of us, we have managed to find a balance in the day. It's almost nap time and I'm hoping to get the rest of my athlete's plans written for next week. We will see! If I try to set plans in stone, I end up upset when they change. I'm a better mom if I can remain flexible.

Yesterday was one of my longest coaching days. To add on to it, I have increased my training volume quite a bit. So my body is tired and I'm doing my best to stay completely attentive to my athletes. It was great ending the day with a swim session with one of my jr athletes. I was pretty tired and not sure I was going to be able to think. Fortunately, she is so great to work with and I ended up refreshed, knowing why I love this job. I especially love that she wanted to do this drill I taught a few weeks ago where they would roll up in a ball under water and bounce each other like basketballs. Sorry we couldn't do it yesterday!!! Next Thursday, we will be basketballs again:).

I always say the sport of triathlon is completely humbling. Humble is a good place to be. I am learning, coaching triathlon is even more humbling. I'm still learning each day as an athlete and feel although, I have the knowledge to train beginner and novice triathletes, I have so much more to learn. Coaching was a huge dream for me. Now that I'm a coach, I want to progress on to being a level 2 coach. Wow, I never imagined this but I love it. Most of all I love working from home, watching my little girls play (and sometimes cry!).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's only Tuesday and I'm so tired I skipped my weight training session. My day just couldn't hold what I had planned. We did have a great track workout today. I was so happy to see everyone. The Fartlek pyramid seemed to allow everyone to have a great workout. I got to have fun too doing some intervals with each athlete. It's fun to watch Patyon get out and run with the girls. She usually does a warm up lap with them. It's so cute to watch!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Sleeping..Should Be!

I should be asleep but I never do when Eric is at the fire station. It's been a long day with ups and down. It started with a swim workout with Mom. I taught her some drills that I don't think she really needed to know. Seriously, she is a great swimmer and I thinks she swims slower that me to not make me feel bad. We had fun though. It's nice to actually train with people sometimes, although I usually prefer the solitude of my own training. I took Marley to the doctor and found out she had ear infections in both ears. She is one tough kid who has complained little considering the look on my doctors face after looking in her ear. We hit the pharmacy and for some odd reason I thought I could make a "quick" trip to Costco. I ended up being ten minutes late to pick up Payton at preschool. I felt so bad to give her that feeling of the "kids whose mom didn't show". Sorry baby! At home, we unloaded groceries and the kids went down for a nap they never actually took. Ahhhh! What will I do without my three hours of nap breaks? I did manage to squeeze in my own run and was off the gym to train a couple of clients there. Fortunately, they are people I completely look forward to training. I love to see people push though pain and get a little stronger each time we see them. Hold those planks people!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't quit

Today's run was long, rainy and slightly painful. I didn't want to start, someone or something stole/ate my gel packs and my brain was racing. Good thing my husband said, "get out there." Good thing I know how bad I would feel if I quit. Finally, at the end, I settled in and accepted the fact that I was NOT quitting today.

One thing I love about distance exercise is how the monotony gives me a chance to process whatever is going on in my life. Today was good for that. I tossed my music and let my brain process. I wish I could write while I was running. It would be great to actually remember some of the problems I solve out there. I won't write them here because they are just way too personal. I finished feeling exhausted. No major times today but I finished and I did NOT quit. That's just how some days are.

As it's Superbowl Sunday, I ended up only having two people at my group run. We had fun though, doing some form work and easy intervals. I love watching people improve their running. I love seeing someone finish their first run in a long time without quitting themselves! I know I don't know everything about being a coach but I do know I have the heart when I am more excited about my athlete's accomplishments than my own.

I do wish I know what happened to my Power Gels though!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I don't think you can truly appreciate a hill until you have seen it from the perspective of a bike or a pair of running shoes. I set out to meet some people for a ride today. I either missed them or they missed me. I rode on the flat trail and decided to divert UP my favorite hill to ride down during the Lake Stevens 70.3 last year. Ouch! It was much easier and faster on the way down. I then proceeded to find what seemed like every hill outside of Snohomish. The final was the worst, my legs screamed, "train more on hills!" Ok, I will listen to you legs!

There were so many cyclists out in Snohomish today. I was a little envious, thinking I would like to ride in a group but glad I had the time alone.