Today is a rest day. I had great plans of sleeping in. Everything, including my dogs cooperated with this plan. My body clock and mental to do list however, did not. So, 5:30 it was. I did manage to cook breakfast for my hubby and get a few things done before the kiddos woke up at 7:30. The girls and I cleaned the play room and my office this morning. After a few melt downs from each of us, we have managed to find a balance in the day. It's almost nap time and I'm hoping to get the rest of my athlete's plans written for next week. We will see! If I try to set plans in stone, I end up upset when they change. I'm a better mom if I can remain flexible.
Yesterday was one of my longest coaching days. To add on to it, I have increased my training volume quite a bit. So my body is tired and I'm doing my best to stay completely attentive to my athletes. It was great ending the day with a swim session with one of my jr athletes. I was pretty tired and not sure I was going to be able to think. Fortunately, she is so great to work with and I ended up refreshed, knowing why I love this job. I especially love that she wanted to do this drill I taught a few weeks ago where they would roll up in a ball under water and bounce each other like basketballs. Sorry we couldn't do it yesterday!!! Next Thursday, we will be basketballs again:).
I always say the sport of triathlon is completely humbling. Humble is a good place to be. I am learning, coaching triathlon is even more humbling. I'm still learning each day as an athlete and feel although, I have the knowledge to train beginner and novice triathletes, I have so much more to learn. Coaching was a huge dream for me. Now that I'm a coach, I want to progress on to being a level 2 coach. Wow, I never imagined this but I love it. Most of all I love working from home, watching my little girls play (and sometimes cry!).
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