Blessed is an understatement when I think about the wonderful people I have trained over the past year. I think I have one of the best jobs out there. I love watching my athletes work towards and achieve their goals. Whether it's pushing themselves through one more set, running their first mile, or crossing the finish line, each moment it fantastic to me!
We keep record of athletes progress and they write comments about their workouts. Here are a few great quotes from 2010....
Post Workout Reports
"wlk inside my bus :-) "....walking inside of a bus does not count for a run
"Timex Global Trainer
Stop Time: 00:00:00
Avg Ascent: 4 m/min
Avg Descent: 3 m/min
CAL/HR: 1030" - Someone's Timex watch
"MC & I .. easy jog together" - This is special to me...Mom and stepdad running together
"my shoes were still wet from the bike ride, so I did the circuit barefoot... "
"My roommate drove off with my running shoes" ran instead
"Forgot my shoes"...a classic!
I also had someone show up to a workout in their slippers. Kudos for not letting your shoes slow you down~
"My dog ate my stretching worksheet"....what happened to your homework?
"Had dinner instead - a much better choice!!!" ....yes, that was a great dinner!
"This was to be done on Sunday but I fell asleep and did not complete the workout."
"please forgive me. I have no excuse except that I completely forgot. "
On Swimming..
"exhaling was by far the biggest challenge. I've got some work to do with my gills."
"Fish are friends, not food." - A common mantra...thanks Nemo
"Auntie, I can swim now so you have to ride your bike with clipless pedals" - Payton
"It was really fun to watch you manage the "old farts" "
On Cycling..
"All I could think about yesterday was how badly I want a bike. I am beginning to tire of the confines of the hot dark room and loud music that is spin class..."
On Running..
"Don't tell anyone but I'm starting to like this running thing."
"We did this run on hills. They always look easier when riding in the car. The hills were long grades and other than the very first part everything was up hill. I was more difficult but I did run the whole time." - MC ...on Hill work
"Hills are easier on the way down"
On Racing..
"cleaned up drove and cleaned again had a great weekend it was alot of fun" Husband...after Ocean Shores weekend. Thanks for all of the driving!
"I had an emotional high all day yesterday after having run a full 1/2 marathon - WOOHOO."
"Don't worry, you'll make up for it on the run." Sister Madonna Buder to me after my crank arm broke during a race. Having my bike break in the middle of the race was totally worth getting to chat with her after! She then told me, "You are a hero". From Sister Madonna...what a compliment!
"Mommy, I'm hungry" Marley to me just after I crossed the finish line at Lake Stevens 70.3.."Me too Marley!"
"I did 5 triathlons this year" 64 year old those who say...Oh, you've done a triathlon
Basic Complaints
"I think I'm going to throw up"
"I have to tell you, this isn't my favorite hour of the day."
"When does it get easier?"
"Can we do something different"... Coach: "Sure when you are done with this exercise."
"this was probably the most torturous workout I have ever endured. "
"I don't do push ups"
Inspiring Words from Coach...
"Set your alarm...get up, get up, get up...this will pay off! Remember your goals"
"You just have to get from the start of the swim to the end of the swim without drowning or breaking any rules. Otherwise, I don't care what it looks like."
"You must get out of bed today!!!"
"You don't have to believe it, just tell yourself over and over that you can do it."
Thanks again for an amazing year!!! Mary
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Fudge, Cookies, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes....
One of my athletes asked me to send out a few words on what to eat over the holidays. Here are my thoughts...
My favorite class in my nutrition program in college had to do with emotional aspects of eating. I loved this class because food is so greatly tied into emotion, celebration, family and holidays. I have wonderful memories of eating at the holidays. Thanksgiving always reminds me of eating with my Grandma and stuffing the turkey when I was a little girl. Christmas reminds me of the yummy Christmas cookies my Mom made. I have one particular memory of my my friend Lori and I making Christmas cookies when we were in junior high. Lori spilled a giant container of sugar all over my Dad's kitchen floor. I don't think that floor every recovered. Those sure were good cookies though! I have my own food favorites as an adult which includes; fudge, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and frosted Christmas cookies.
I could go on and tell you some magazine tips on, "How to not eat too much at Thanksgiving". But do you really want to hear that? Most people will read the article at the doctor's office and disregard or eat more when the day comes.
My thoughts on the holidays are simple. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy the holidays and enjoy the the cranberry-laced food. When it comes to the food part just be a little sensible. If you go overboard at one party, it isn't going to kill your fitness program. If you go overboard at all of them it might set you back just a bit. Remember to be easy on yourself. Don't spend the whole party worrying about how many calories you have eaten. Food is fun and parties usually have fun food. Try some, just don't eat the whole table. You don't have to sample every Christmas cookie that comes into work, just have one of your favorites. Instead of four pies of pie at Thanksgiving, just have one. Get the picture?
As we go into this holiday season, enjoy this precious time you get to spend with your loved ones. Enjoy the wonderful food you get to eat! Most importantly, enjoy the people you spend the holidays with.
My favorite class in my nutrition program in college had to do with emotional aspects of eating. I loved this class because food is so greatly tied into emotion, celebration, family and holidays. I have wonderful memories of eating at the holidays. Thanksgiving always reminds me of eating with my Grandma and stuffing the turkey when I was a little girl. Christmas reminds me of the yummy Christmas cookies my Mom made. I have one particular memory of my my friend Lori and I making Christmas cookies when we were in junior high. Lori spilled a giant container of sugar all over my Dad's kitchen floor. I don't think that floor every recovered. Those sure were good cookies though! I have my own food favorites as an adult which includes; fudge, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and frosted Christmas cookies.
I could go on and tell you some magazine tips on, "How to not eat too much at Thanksgiving". But do you really want to hear that? Most people will read the article at the doctor's office and disregard or eat more when the day comes.
My thoughts on the holidays are simple. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy the holidays and enjoy the the cranberry-laced food. When it comes to the food part just be a little sensible. If you go overboard at one party, it isn't going to kill your fitness program. If you go overboard at all of them it might set you back just a bit. Remember to be easy on yourself. Don't spend the whole party worrying about how many calories you have eaten. Food is fun and parties usually have fun food. Try some, just don't eat the whole table. You don't have to sample every Christmas cookie that comes into work, just have one of your favorites. Instead of four pies of pie at Thanksgiving, just have one. Get the picture?
As we go into this holiday season, enjoy this precious time you get to spend with your loved ones. Enjoy the wonderful food you get to eat! Most importantly, enjoy the people you spend the holidays with.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Oh how the hills hurt today. I love getting out and riding with a fun group of people. I feel so blessed by the friends I have made in this sport. I always feel sports can be a great way to find out about the good and bad sides of people, usually it's the good. Today I rode with the shop group which is made up of some seriously great athletes. I'm always happy when I can keep up with the pace which I pretty much did until we turned up the monster of hills. I was at the back of the pack, and suddenly I was alone. I mean alone as in, the last thing I saw was their rear wheels. This was fine and I finally got to the point where I could at least see the last rider. Well, it happened to be Bruce who was waiting for me. Then I saw Barb who doubled back, followed by Bill, who also doubled back. Seriously, these are cool people. We were just a few miles from the shop and I was just fine. But it totally made my day to see a few friends patient enough to turn around and finish the ride with me. Some days you get dropped, the good days are when people come back to pick you up again!
Friday, October 1, 2010
A great year
I can' believe it's been a year since I began "officially" my work as a triathlon coach. It's been an amazing season and I can't wait until next year! Thanks to my family for your amazing support and to my team. Everyone I work with is truly amazing!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Lake Stevens Ironman 70.3 Photos
Thank you so much to everyone who was supporting me out at Lake Stevens 70.3 this year, both in person and in spirit! Thank you Jess, Karie, Aaron, Sam, Hannah, Sheri, Darlene, Bri, Jim, Mom and John. Of course, a huge thanks to Eric and the girls for your everyday love and support! Thanks to John and Darlene for the photos :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
As I swam yesterday, I noticed I was really getting nervous for my upcoming 70.3 race this weekend. I saw a couple of other swimmers in the water, obviously triathletes. My mind began to wander away from my positive excitement for the weekend. Am I ready? Did I train hard enough? Am I going to achieve my goals this weekend? The pre-race jitterbugs began to fly in my stomach and I could feel myself tense.
I began to ask myself why I was having a mental boxing match with my self esteem. Well, I was because it's natural and normal to get nervous and anxious for a race. I think to say you aren't nervous when you are really is a disservice. I think it's important to acknowledge the feelings, then work through them.
So, I told myself what I tell my athletes and used a few tools I have learned. My first tool was my faith. I went to what is really important to me and said, what is the most important thing? It isn't triathlon or how fast I go on Sunday or even if I finish on Sunday. I have to have my faith at the forefront of my thoughts before I can move through with the rest. Then I ask myself why I do triathlon. Why do I coach? Why do I compete? There are lots of answers to those questions which I seem to rediscover on a daily basis. Some are deep, some not so deep. After that, I got a grip on why I am competing and I look at the work I have put in this year. A week before your race is kind of like an hour before finals in college. You can't suddenly learn all there was to know in a quarter of school and you can't suddenly attain months of training and fitness one week before the race. What's done is done. Now it's time to relax and mentally focus. I looked at my training for this race and can see where I am stronger and more confident than I was at this point last year. The truth is, there will be some faster and some slower than me on race day. I wouldn't trade an hour of training for an hour less time with my family or coaching my athletes.
The best part about being a coach and an athlete is that I think I get more excited about my athletes accomplishments than my own. I love hearing about how they finish something they have always wanted to do and how they feel like "now they are swimming". I love when they tell me about their new goals of completing a longer distance and new race. I love it when my neighbor tells me she heard my junior team at the pool saying how excited they are for their upcoming race. My favorite is when they say, "don't tell anyone, but I actually like this!" Your secrets are safe!!
I began to ask myself why I was having a mental boxing match with my self esteem. Well, I was because it's natural and normal to get nervous and anxious for a race. I think to say you aren't nervous when you are really is a disservice. I think it's important to acknowledge the feelings, then work through them.
So, I told myself what I tell my athletes and used a few tools I have learned. My first tool was my faith. I went to what is really important to me and said, what is the most important thing? It isn't triathlon or how fast I go on Sunday or even if I finish on Sunday. I have to have my faith at the forefront of my thoughts before I can move through with the rest. Then I ask myself why I do triathlon. Why do I coach? Why do I compete? There are lots of answers to those questions which I seem to rediscover on a daily basis. Some are deep, some not so deep. After that, I got a grip on why I am competing and I look at the work I have put in this year. A week before your race is kind of like an hour before finals in college. You can't suddenly learn all there was to know in a quarter of school and you can't suddenly attain months of training and fitness one week before the race. What's done is done. Now it's time to relax and mentally focus. I looked at my training for this race and can see where I am stronger and more confident than I was at this point last year. The truth is, there will be some faster and some slower than me on race day. I wouldn't trade an hour of training for an hour less time with my family or coaching my athletes.
The best part about being a coach and an athlete is that I think I get more excited about my athletes accomplishments than my own. I love hearing about how they finish something they have always wanted to do and how they feel like "now they are swimming". I love when they tell me about their new goals of completing a longer distance and new race. I love it when my neighbor tells me she heard my junior team at the pool saying how excited they are for their upcoming race. My favorite is when they say, "don't tell anyone, but I actually like this!" Your secrets are safe!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Cottage Lake June 2010

Marley of Team Blue Fire Super Jrs...I'm thinking she is going to be one tough competitor in a few years
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Moses Lake 2010
We always look forward to the Moses Lake Triathlon. This was my first triathlon four years ago. I decided to do it when I was pregnant with Marley. It was my pregnancy hope that I would return to a having a normal body again.
This year it was just Mom and I, and for the first year in doing this race, the sun was out. I was a bit apprehensive since it's been raining for the past two months in Seattle! This means little heat training. The forecast was temperatures in the 80s and Mom's race didn't start until 10am. It's nothing a little water and smart racing can't take care of.
Mom and I met for our pre race meeting which ended up in sentimental tears and prayers for a safe and fun day of racing. I have to say, I love each time I see my Mom race. Really, she is such an inspiration. Not only does she keep training and racing each year, she gets better and always has a positive attitude. Mom and I have this thing where we tell say certain days just feel like "God" days. I know, they all are but some we just savor a bit more. Today, I told her was a God day. It felt special, not in a winning prizes kind of way, but just special. After a few last minute instructions, we parted ways. I had to get my warm up finished and she had to finish her prep.
I was beyond excited about my warm up and mental preparation going into this race. I felt confident and calm. My race plan was solid in my head. I like to pick one thing to focus on for each part of the race. I just work on that. Today was; swim - good form, bike - steady pace and run - keep my miles at an 8:00 pace. My swim warm up felt great. Sighting seemed easy today and the water was a perfect temperature. They told us it was 68. Nerves set in slightly but I kept repeating positive thoughts and I only had to do a few major deep breaths when they announced 1 minute to start. I totally focused on my form for the swim, which made life much easier. My only major obstacle was the people who were off course, one of which I colided with head on. This was on the last 1/4 mile and totally threw me off. I had to do some serious mantras to get my head back into swimming. Form is so huge in swimming and this year it totally paid off. Although I had a slower time, I had a lot more energy out of the water than I have in the past. This in turn made my transition much easier.
And then came the bike... I recently purchased a TT bike (time trial/triathlon) which I have affectionately named, the Beast! I got that name from one of my jr team members. It's fast and I have pretty aggressive position which in turn makes cycling a whole new experience. I totally have to focus because it responds to every movement I make. It also comes in very handy on straight mostly flat courses. I do forget there are some decent hills at Moses Lake. I did manage to keep my pace up and consistent for most of the ride. I was excited, knowing I could keep my run pace high, I was pretty sure I had a chance at a decent age group top finish.
At about mile 19 of the 22 mile course, I had a strange sensation. My left foot suddenly felt very heavy and hmmm, didn't appear to be moving in a circle anymore. I looked down and saw the left crank arm was no longer attached to my bike. Looking back, I am so grateful I did not crash at this point in the course. I have to thank my balance and core training and I'm pretty sure God for this moment because really I should have been in a pile on the side of the road. I wish I could have seen myself dismount and then pull the crank arm off of my cycling shoe. I'm sure it would have been funny at some point in the future. I was still hopeful. I hadn't lost much time. I thought I could just shove it back on and limp in. Being that I'm not much of a bike mechanic, I put the crank arm back on but didn't check to see that it was offset from the other crank arm. This doesn't not make for effective cycling. Try it sometime. Put your bike together which both pedals in the same position. FYI - recipe for falling off! So, I set off walking. Clip clop, clip clop went my cycling shoes down the road. Thank you to the few racers who asked if everything was ok. After a mile and deciding was going to purchase new shoes now that I've likely worn my cycling shoes down to nothing, I took them off. Now walking barefoot, I pondered why on earth anyone would want to run barefoot. I've read a few articles on barefoot running recently and it's kind of interested me until I think of all they loose needles, glass and general nastiness on the ground. Ok, back to the "race" which is over for me at this point. I start thinking about my Mom. I have to get off this course before she starts because she will be really upset to see me walking my bike out here. I'm contemplating getting in the car with anyone. I figured if they tried to hurt me I could beat them down with my new weapon (crank arm). Then Sister Madonna passed me. If you don't know who Sister Madonna is, check out any Kona rerun and you will probably see her. Sister Madonna is an amazing woman who is in her 80s, yes 80s and competes in all kinds of triathlons including Kona. She has inspired me on several ocassions with her amazing racing attitude. Sister Madonna rides by and says, "don't worry, you'll make up for it on the bike!" Ok, so now I just love this woman. No, no not today but it's totally fine. So I say one quick prayer. "God, please send someone to pick me up". Literally, 5 seconds later a Moses Lake PD Officer pulls up (the only female officer in the county I might add) and says, "Do you need anything". I tell her I really need a ride and she says, "of course!". Ohhhh yeah, friends!!! Her rider gracefully gave up his front seat spot, actually, I think he was really excited to sit in the back. It was this funny moment because she told me I could sit up front which I just assumed I was going to do. Don't I have, "spent seven years as cop, probably was in training with you, still can pass background" written all over me? We had a great little chat and I am so beyond grateful for that moment and that ride! Thank you Moses Lake PD!!! The best part was, I made it back just in time to see Mom head out on her bike.

This year it was just Mom and I, and for the first year in doing this race, the sun was out. I was a bit apprehensive since it's been raining for the past two months in Seattle! This means little heat training. The forecast was temperatures in the 80s and Mom's race didn't start until 10am. It's nothing a little water and smart racing can't take care of.
Mom and I met for our pre race meeting which ended up in sentimental tears and prayers for a safe and fun day of racing. I have to say, I love each time I see my Mom race. Really, she is such an inspiration. Not only does she keep training and racing each year, she gets better and always has a positive attitude. Mom and I have this thing where we tell say certain days just feel like "God" days. I know, they all are but some we just savor a bit more. Today, I told her was a God day. It felt special, not in a winning prizes kind of way, but just special. After a few last minute instructions, we parted ways. I had to get my warm up finished and she had to finish her prep.
I was beyond excited about my warm up and mental preparation going into this race. I felt confident and calm. My race plan was solid in my head. I like to pick one thing to focus on for each part of the race. I just work on that. Today was; swim - good form, bike - steady pace and run - keep my miles at an 8:00 pace. My swim warm up felt great. Sighting seemed easy today and the water was a perfect temperature. They told us it was 68. Nerves set in slightly but I kept repeating positive thoughts and I only had to do a few major deep breaths when they announced 1 minute to start. I totally focused on my form for the swim, which made life much easier. My only major obstacle was the people who were off course, one of which I colided with head on. This was on the last 1/4 mile and totally threw me off. I had to do some serious mantras to get my head back into swimming. Form is so huge in swimming and this year it totally paid off. Although I had a slower time, I had a lot more energy out of the water than I have in the past. This in turn made my transition much easier.
And then came the bike... I recently purchased a TT bike (time trial/triathlon) which I have affectionately named, the Beast! I got that name from one of my jr team members. It's fast and I have pretty aggressive position which in turn makes cycling a whole new experience. I totally have to focus because it responds to every movement I make. It also comes in very handy on straight mostly flat courses. I do forget there are some decent hills at Moses Lake. I did manage to keep my pace up and consistent for most of the ride. I was excited, knowing I could keep my run pace high, I was pretty sure I had a chance at a decent age group top finish.
At about mile 19 of the 22 mile course, I had a strange sensation. My left foot suddenly felt very heavy and hmmm, didn't appear to be moving in a circle anymore. I looked down and saw the left crank arm was no longer attached to my bike. Looking back, I am so grateful I did not crash at this point in the course. I have to thank my balance and core training and I'm pretty sure God for this moment because really I should have been in a pile on the side of the road. I wish I could have seen myself dismount and then pull the crank arm off of my cycling shoe. I'm sure it would have been funny at some point in the future. I was still hopeful. I hadn't lost much time. I thought I could just shove it back on and limp in. Being that I'm not much of a bike mechanic, I put the crank arm back on but didn't check to see that it was offset from the other crank arm. This doesn't not make for effective cycling. Try it sometime. Put your bike together which both pedals in the same position. FYI - recipe for falling off! So, I set off walking. Clip clop, clip clop went my cycling shoes down the road. Thank you to the few racers who asked if everything was ok. After a mile and deciding was going to purchase new shoes now that I've likely worn my cycling shoes down to nothing, I took them off. Now walking barefoot, I pondered why on earth anyone would want to run barefoot. I've read a few articles on barefoot running recently and it's kind of interested me until I think of all they loose needles, glass and general nastiness on the ground. Ok, back to the "race" which is over for me at this point. I start thinking about my Mom. I have to get off this course before she starts because she will be really upset to see me walking my bike out here. I'm contemplating getting in the car with anyone. I figured if they tried to hurt me I could beat them down with my new weapon (crank arm). Then Sister Madonna passed me. If you don't know who Sister Madonna is, check out any Kona rerun and you will probably see her. Sister Madonna is an amazing woman who is in her 80s, yes 80s and competes in all kinds of triathlons including Kona. She has inspired me on several ocassions with her amazing racing attitude. Sister Madonna rides by and says, "don't worry, you'll make up for it on the bike!" Ok, so now I just love this woman. No, no not today but it's totally fine. So I say one quick prayer. "God, please send someone to pick me up". Literally, 5 seconds later a Moses Lake PD Officer pulls up (the only female officer in the county I might add) and says, "Do you need anything". I tell her I really need a ride and she says, "of course!". Ohhhh yeah, friends!!! Her rider gracefully gave up his front seat spot, actually, I think he was really excited to sit in the back. It was this funny moment because she told me I could sit up front which I just assumed I was going to do. Don't I have, "spent seven years as cop, probably was in training with you, still can pass background" written all over me? We had a great little chat and I am so beyond grateful for that moment and that ride! Thank you Moses Lake PD!!! The best part was, I made it back just in time to see Mom head out on her bike.

I later joined Mom for the end of her run and passed her off to Payton and Marley to run down the finish chute. Always a cute photo!! Mom looked amazing today. She swam a longer course, so I don't have an official course to compare her to but it was a big improvement this year. She had a ton of energy despite cycling and running in the heat and sun. Go mom!!! Plus she is doing another race next weekend.
I also had a chance to thank Sister Madonna who I think told me I was some hero or something. She is great! She told me a story about getting a flat and riding it to the finish of a ride. If I can race when I'm in my 80s and have her attitude all along the way, I will be pretty excited!
Today was definitely a "God" day. They are never what you expect!!
Thank you so much to my kids and wonderful husband. Gandma and Papa "G" who had Payton and Marley duty, Papa "C" photographer extrodinare, Karie for checking in on me, Sister Madonna, Moses Lake PD and of course Mom for ALWAYS listening!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A year
What a difference a year can make. A year ago, Eric and I were working in jobs that weren't making us happy. We were grateful to have income to take care of our family but we weren't feeling joy in our work. We decided we needed to make some changes and find jobs we loved. Eric had been applying with fire departments and I wasn't really sure what I was going to do.
Today, Eric started his first shift at Boeing Fire. I am so happy for him. Every day he went to his volunteer shifts, he was so happy to put on his uniform. Seeing him do this job as a career is wonderful.
There have been times in the past year, we didn't think we were going to find things we loved to do. We had to have faith that God would guide us. Many times it's been hard and I've had troubles being patient. Now I'm just grateful to God. I'm grateful he continues to provide for us and look to how we can use our new careers to serve him well.
Today, Eric started his first shift at Boeing Fire. I am so happy for him. Every day he went to his volunteer shifts, he was so happy to put on his uniform. Seeing him do this job as a career is wonderful.
There have been times in the past year, we didn't think we were going to find things we loved to do. We had to have faith that God would guide us. Many times it's been hard and I've had troubles being patient. Now I'm just grateful to God. I'm grateful he continues to provide for us and look to how we can use our new careers to serve him well.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Elma, race report...don't blink, you are in Elma

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wenatchee Race Update

An update on my last post: Karie had Sam on May 5th. He is beautiful and healthy and I can't wait to see him in person! Congratulations Karie and Aaron :) The 1/2 marathon went well. Kurt, who just began training with me had a great race. I was impressed after a physically rough week, he rallied and put in a great time. Howard completed his first 10k and also put in a very impressive time. When I saw him at the end of my race, he looked great! Congratulations Kurt and Howard. My race was a little rough. Apparently, my cold wasn't over and I learned the next week had turned in to a sinus infection. It's disappointing to get into a race and realize your racing isn't reflecting your training. I did have a good time and met some fun people. Wenatchee was fun and I time to meet up with my friend Heather who was my roommate at the police academy. I'm looking forward to some tri training with her this summer. The kids had a blast at the hotel pool and loved sleeping in a big hotel bed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Today is dedicated to Karie and Sam
It's 6:01. I've been up for awhile a little nervous for my first race since last season. I've been working through the positive mental thinking I tell my jr team to use. It's working and I'm starting to feel ready. I have a bit of a worried heart today because my sis-in-law today who is weeks away from having a baby boy, had to stay in the hospital last night. I don't think I've given her proper credit for introducing me to this blogging thing or being a huge part of my coaching inspiration. I had lost some of my triathlon fire last year when Eric and I went to Tucson to surprise Karie who was completing her first triathlon. It was so much fun to watch her race and she did great! Being in the Tucson mecca of triathlon and watching Karie really fueled my fire again which I know lead me to compete in the half-iron last year, become a coach and enjoy where I am in my life now. Karie introduced me to blogging and I now have a place to document and share what I'm doing. So a huge thanks to Karie who is going to be an amazing mom! Even though I'm just running today, I dedicate this race to she and Sam.
I also find it interesting that this morning I was reading in my bible study about Jesus healing in Capernaum. The Lord's healing powers are amazing. I'm praying for Karie and Sam to be healthy and strong!
I also find it interesting that this morning I was reading in my bible study about Jesus healing in Capernaum. The Lord's healing powers are amazing. I'm praying for Karie and Sam to be healthy and strong!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Pool time...
The kids I train are soooo wonderful. I always look forward to Thursdays at the pool. There is just something about the pool that brings out the kid in all of us, especially the kids. I think their favorite drill is making basketballs out of each other in the water. I think it's pretty fun too! Tonight we ran into one of Eric's cousins and I told her she could join our practice. My team didn't skip a beat and practiced with her as if she had been at every other practice. At the end I looked over to see legs sticking up out of the water. I told them they could do what they wanted as long as it was slow and easy. This was interpreted into underwater handstands. I LOVE IT!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
This week
It's been a great week so far, despite the hour of sleep that I seem to have lost. Getting up at 4am is a little nuts for me when I realize it is the old 3am. That for me is really the middle of the night. Eric and I had a weekend together at home. It was really nice to have nothing to do except figure out what movie we wanted to watch. We actually went for a great bike ride and Eric worked on the bathroom. We are keeping with the theme of "finishing" projects in the house this year. It's a close as we have come to a resolution for the year.
The girls have been swimming each week. After a not so good experience, she decided I need to teach her to swim. Ok, I can do that! I have mostly been having them just play and have fun, because that's what it's all about. Marley has been jumping in, putting her head under water and coming back up with a big smile. Payton is a little more hesitant. Last week I taught her how to float which was great. She tried it a few times with me and decided she would try on her own. Life jacket on of course, she went to another part of the shallow pool and before long was floating. It's fun and interesting to watch how my kids learn in completely different ways.
I've finally registered for my 1/2 marathon in April. I'm getting excited for this race and can feel my training taking shape. Only 4 weeks left! I'm looking forward to a weekend in Wenatchee, celebrating my mom's birthday, seeing an old friend and playing with my kids. Oh yes, and the race! I think I'm about in the same condition I was in 10 years ago, if not better.
The team is wonderful as usual. Inspiring me in new ways each week. I'm sending my 70.3 shoes off to Guatemala with John. Those shoes should have a pretty interesting story in the end! I'm loving watching the progress everyone is making. We are getting faster, stronger, more fit and most important, laughing a lot.
The girls have been swimming each week. After a not so good experience, she decided I need to teach her to swim. Ok, I can do that! I have mostly been having them just play and have fun, because that's what it's all about. Marley has been jumping in, putting her head under water and coming back up with a big smile. Payton is a little more hesitant. Last week I taught her how to float which was great. She tried it a few times with me and decided she would try on her own. Life jacket on of course, she went to another part of the shallow pool and before long was floating. It's fun and interesting to watch how my kids learn in completely different ways.
I've finally registered for my 1/2 marathon in April. I'm getting excited for this race and can feel my training taking shape. Only 4 weeks left! I'm looking forward to a weekend in Wenatchee, celebrating my mom's birthday, seeing an old friend and playing with my kids. Oh yes, and the race! I think I'm about in the same condition I was in 10 years ago, if not better.
The team is wonderful as usual. Inspiring me in new ways each week. I'm sending my 70.3 shoes off to Guatemala with John. Those shoes should have a pretty interesting story in the end! I'm loving watching the progress everyone is making. We are getting faster, stronger, more fit and most important, laughing a lot.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Team
When I started this blog, I had a dream of starting a Jr girls triathlon team. Tonight we had one of our first practices together. This Sunday, we have our first team meeting. It amazes me, this dream has come to reality so quickly. It has kind of taken a life of it's own. It's personality will reflect the members of the team. I am so excited to see what is in store for this triathlon season.
I don't think I could have ever imagined, when I thought of doing my first triathlon, it would lead me to this place in my life. I can only thank God for leading me here and know I must be doing something part of a greater plan.
More to come.....
I don't think I could have ever imagined, when I thought of doing my first triathlon, it would lead me to this place in my life. I can only thank God for leading me here and know I must be doing something part of a greater plan.
More to come.....
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A kid at heart
I am loving this sunshine we have been blessed with this year. It makes getting through the Washington winter slightly more tolerable! Everyone seems to just smile a little more and my kids an actually play outside. Yesterday, we skipped nap time for some much needed park time. It's funny, I was thinking of what a cool workout I could create at the park. I don't think the homeowners would appreciate it though. This morning, one of my athletes said he finds it funny that thirty years later he finds himself paying money for playground activities! Ah, it's good to be a kid at heart. I love to watch my girls play in the gym. They actually give me ideas for some great exercises.
My kid heart lightened a bit this week as I turned in my police gear. I know I've been mostly done with that job for a few months now. But getting the uniforms back made it seem really final. I have no hesitation this time. I know I have totally done the right thing. It's not easy but spending time with my girls in the best thing in the world. Nothing can take it's place. I think day by day, they are teaching me to enjoy little things and be a kid again myself.
My kid heart lightened a bit this week as I turned in my police gear. I know I've been mostly done with that job for a few months now. But getting the uniforms back made it seem really final. I have no hesitation this time. I know I have totally done the right thing. It's not easy but spending time with my girls in the best thing in the world. Nothing can take it's place. I think day by day, they are teaching me to enjoy little things and be a kid again myself.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Rest Day..sort of.
Today is a rest day. I had great plans of sleeping in. Everything, including my dogs cooperated with this plan. My body clock and mental to do list however, did not. So, 5:30 it was. I did manage to cook breakfast for my hubby and get a few things done before the kiddos woke up at 7:30. The girls and I cleaned the play room and my office this morning. After a few melt downs from each of us, we have managed to find a balance in the day. It's almost nap time and I'm hoping to get the rest of my athlete's plans written for next week. We will see! If I try to set plans in stone, I end up upset when they change. I'm a better mom if I can remain flexible.
Yesterday was one of my longest coaching days. To add on to it, I have increased my training volume quite a bit. So my body is tired and I'm doing my best to stay completely attentive to my athletes. It was great ending the day with a swim session with one of my jr athletes. I was pretty tired and not sure I was going to be able to think. Fortunately, she is so great to work with and I ended up refreshed, knowing why I love this job. I especially love that she wanted to do this drill I taught a few weeks ago where they would roll up in a ball under water and bounce each other like basketballs. Sorry we couldn't do it yesterday!!! Next Thursday, we will be basketballs again:).
I always say the sport of triathlon is completely humbling. Humble is a good place to be. I am learning, coaching triathlon is even more humbling. I'm still learning each day as an athlete and feel although, I have the knowledge to train beginner and novice triathletes, I have so much more to learn. Coaching was a huge dream for me. Now that I'm a coach, I want to progress on to being a level 2 coach. Wow, I never imagined this but I love it. Most of all I love working from home, watching my little girls play (and sometimes cry!).
Yesterday was one of my longest coaching days. To add on to it, I have increased my training volume quite a bit. So my body is tired and I'm doing my best to stay completely attentive to my athletes. It was great ending the day with a swim session with one of my jr athletes. I was pretty tired and not sure I was going to be able to think. Fortunately, she is so great to work with and I ended up refreshed, knowing why I love this job. I especially love that she wanted to do this drill I taught a few weeks ago where they would roll up in a ball under water and bounce each other like basketballs. Sorry we couldn't do it yesterday!!! Next Thursday, we will be basketballs again:).
I always say the sport of triathlon is completely humbling. Humble is a good place to be. I am learning, coaching triathlon is even more humbling. I'm still learning each day as an athlete and feel although, I have the knowledge to train beginner and novice triathletes, I have so much more to learn. Coaching was a huge dream for me. Now that I'm a coach, I want to progress on to being a level 2 coach. Wow, I never imagined this but I love it. Most of all I love working from home, watching my little girls play (and sometimes cry!).
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It's only Tuesday and I'm so tired I skipped my weight training session. My day just couldn't hold what I had planned. We did have a great track workout today. I was so happy to see everyone. The Fartlek pyramid seemed to allow everyone to have a great workout. I got to have fun too doing some intervals with each athlete. It's fun to watch Patyon get out and run with the girls. She usually does a warm up lap with them. It's so cute to watch!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Not Sleeping..Should Be!
I should be asleep but I never do when Eric is at the fire station. It's been a long day with ups and down. It started with a swim workout with Mom. I taught her some drills that I don't think she really needed to know. Seriously, she is a great swimmer and I thinks she swims slower that me to not make me feel bad. We had fun though. It's nice to actually train with people sometimes, although I usually prefer the solitude of my own training. I took Marley to the doctor and found out she had ear infections in both ears. She is one tough kid who has complained little considering the look on my doctors face after looking in her ear. We hit the pharmacy and for some odd reason I thought I could make a "quick" trip to Costco. I ended up being ten minutes late to pick up Payton at preschool. I felt so bad to give her that feeling of the "kids whose mom didn't show". Sorry baby! At home, we unloaded groceries and the kids went down for a nap they never actually took. Ahhhh! What will I do without my three hours of nap breaks? I did manage to squeeze in my own run and was off the gym to train a couple of clients there. Fortunately, they are people I completely look forward to training. I love to see people push though pain and get a little stronger each time we see them. Hold those planks people!!!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Don't quit
Today's run was long, rainy and slightly painful. I didn't want to start, someone or something stole/ate my gel packs and my brain was racing. Good thing my husband said, "get out there." Good thing I know how bad I would feel if I quit. Finally, at the end, I settled in and accepted the fact that I was NOT quitting today.
One thing I love about distance exercise is how the monotony gives me a chance to process whatever is going on in my life. Today was good for that. I tossed my music and let my brain process. I wish I could write while I was running. It would be great to actually remember some of the problems I solve out there. I won't write them here because they are just way too personal. I finished feeling exhausted. No major times today but I finished and I did NOT quit. That's just how some days are.
As it's Superbowl Sunday, I ended up only having two people at my group run. We had fun though, doing some form work and easy intervals. I love watching people improve their running. I love seeing someone finish their first run in a long time without quitting themselves! I know I don't know everything about being a coach but I do know I have the heart when I am more excited about my athlete's accomplishments than my own.
I do wish I know what happened to my Power Gels though!!
One thing I love about distance exercise is how the monotony gives me a chance to process whatever is going on in my life. Today was good for that. I tossed my music and let my brain process. I wish I could write while I was running. It would be great to actually remember some of the problems I solve out there. I won't write them here because they are just way too personal. I finished feeling exhausted. No major times today but I finished and I did NOT quit. That's just how some days are.
As it's Superbowl Sunday, I ended up only having two people at my group run. We had fun though, doing some form work and easy intervals. I love watching people improve their running. I love seeing someone finish their first run in a long time without quitting themselves! I know I don't know everything about being a coach but I do know I have the heart when I am more excited about my athlete's accomplishments than my own.
I do wish I know what happened to my Power Gels though!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I don't think you can truly appreciate a hill until you have seen it from the perspective of a bike or a pair of running shoes. I set out to meet some people for a ride today. I either missed them or they missed me. I rode on the flat trail and decided to divert UP my favorite hill to ride down during the Lake Stevens 70.3 last year. Ouch! It was much easier and faster on the way down. I then proceeded to find what seemed like every hill outside of Snohomish. The final was the worst, my legs screamed, "train more on hills!" Ok, I will listen to you legs!
There were so many cyclists out in Snohomish today. I was a little envious, thinking I would like to ride in a group but glad I had the time alone.
There were so many cyclists out in Snohomish today. I was a little envious, thinking I would like to ride in a group but glad I had the time alone.
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